Cirugía Ortopédica de Mano
Las lesiones en la mano pueden ser una fuente de dolor insoportable que dificulta realizar tareas cotidianas.
Las lesiones comunes que pueden ocurrir en las manos y muñecas incluyen esguinces, distensiones y huesos rotos o fracturados. Las cirugías ortopédicas de mano se utilizan para mejorar el daño en la región de la mano y la muñeca. Los cirujanos de mano pueden ayudar a reducir el dolor y también mejorar el movimiento y la salud.
Agende una Consulta
Antes de considerar la cirugía ortopédica de mano, puede hablar con un cirujano que le asesore sobre si este método es la elección adecuada para usted. Llame a Ceda Grupo Ortopédico para obtener más información.
Descripción de Procedimientos
Qué es la Cirugía Ortopédica de Mano
Utilizando enfoques tanto quirúrgicos como no quirúrgicos, nuestro objetivo es restaurar la función, aliviar el dolor y mejorar la calidad de vida en general.
Descripción del Tratamiento
La cirugía ortopédica de mano se enfoca en diagnosticar y tratar condiciones que afectan la mano, la muñeca y el antebrazo.
Lo que Incluye
Ofrecemos una variedad de tratamientos diseñados para restaurar la función, aliviar el dolor y mejorar la calidad de vida. Estos tratamientos incluyen cirugías mínimamente invasivas y reconstructivas, procedimientos artroscópicos y opciones no quirúrgicas como férulas, fisioterapia y manejo de medicamentos.
Procedimientos Relacionados
Trastornos Tratados
¿Para Qué Casos Se Usa?
La cirugía ortopédica de mano abarca una amplia variedad de tratamientos médicos enfocados en restaurar la movilidad en las áreas de la mano y los dedos. La cirugía reconstructiva es comúnmente empleada por cirujanos ortopédicos para tratar tendones, ligamentos, huesos y nervios dañados en las manos y muñecas, aplicándose a una diversidad de trastornos.
Tendon Repair
If you have an injured tendon in your hand or wrist that hasn’t healed or deteriorated beyond repair, you can have it surgically reattached. This can be completed through a minimally invasive technique. The tendon can be removed and replaced with a tendon from your own body or a donor graft.
Fasciotomy is typically used to treat acute compartment syndrome and can help reduce the loss of circulation in the affected region. The surgery is used to cut the fascia to relieve the pressure caused by the injury.
Joint Replacement
When you have a dysfunctional joint due to arthritis or injury that doesn’t improve from physical therapy, you can have the entire joint replaced. Total joint replacement helps by removing the damaged joint so that it can be replaced with a ceramic, plastic, or metal prosthesis. Prosthetic joints are designed to move the way a normal joint does.
Surgical Drainage
Some injuries prevent proper drainage of the area, which can result in swelling and inflammation in the hand and wrist. In this procedure, a doctor places a thin tube in the area where the fluid has pooled and drains this fluid out to relieve pressure.
Closed Reduction And Fixation
When you have a fracture in the hand or wrist, a closed reduction can be used to manipulate the bone fragments in your hand without surgery. This can help set the broken bones back in place so that the bones can heal.
Skin Flaps
This is a reconstructive surgery technique where the damaged tissue is replaced by donor tissue that has an intact blood supply. A graft can also be used, although new blood vessels would have to grow.
Nerve Repairs
After a severe nerve injury, you can try orthopedic surgery to help you regain normal motor function. A surgeon can correct the injured nerves and remove the harmed tissue from the area.
Frequently Asked Questions
Quick and helpful answers to common inquiries.
Is Orthopedic Hand Surgery For Me?
The human hand has many delicate bones, ligaments, and tendons that can cause a lot of pain after an injury. If your hands are immobile or are unable to perform normal tasks, you may be qualified for surgery depending on the type of hand injury you have. Less serious problems, such as swelling, achiness, and other minor discomforts may be resolved over time by the natural process of healing. It is also possible to get prescription medicine, physical therapy, and other treatments to help bring relief.
For more severe injuries, you may notice bones piercing the skin, dark bruising, shattered bones, numbness, immobility, and sharp pain; this may require surgical intervention. For more serious injuries, such as difficulty moving your hand for an extended period of time, you can consult with a doctor to find out if you would be a good candidate for orthopedic hand surgery.
What Are The Most Common Disorders Treated With Orthopedic Hand Surgery?
Congenital Birth Defects
Polydactyly, Dupuytren, and other congenital hand deformities can be treated with orthopedic hand surgery. These hand deformities affect tissue underneath the skin and can only be remedied through surgery.
Degenerative Diseases
There are many degenerative diseases that can benefit from orthopedic hand surgery, such as osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteonecrosis, Dupuytren’s contracture, and more.
Some infections don’t heal naturally and can’t be fixed with antibiotics alone. Orthopedic hand surgery can be used to drain abscesses and infected areas that are swollen.
Trauma And Injury
After an accident, you may have broken bones, sprained, or strained ligaments and tendons. Injuries that may require surgery include ganglion cysts, DeQuervain’s disease, flexor tendon injuries, Dupuytren’s contracture, lacerations, nailbed injuries, mallet finger, and more.
Rheumatic Diseases
These disorders affect mainly the bones and can be an injury or a degenerative disease. This mainly pertains to arthritis and other bone or joint deformities.
Should I Get Orthopedic Hand Surgery?
The health of your hands is incredibly important to all aspects of life, and it can be a struggle to perform normal tasks without functioning hands and wrists. It can be difficult to understand whether your condition requires an extensive approach, such as orthopedic hand surgery. However, not all orthopedic approaches require surgery and can be minimally invasive. Before beginning a surgical intervention, you can speak to a doctor who can screen you and use tests to decide how extensive your hand or wrist damage is. You may be able to try alternative methods before considering hand surgery. If these methods don’t work and you aren’t seeing any improvements, your doctor may recommend orthopedic hand surgery. To find out whether this is the best approach. Call Ceda Orthopedic Group for more information.
More to Explore
Here are some of the remedies you may consider:
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Specific Procedures
- Ankle Arthroscopy
- Wrist Arthroscopy
- Shoulder Arthroscopy
- Knee Arthroscopy
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Specific Procedures
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Start by scheduling your initial meet-and-greet now to meet with a doctor who can provide guidance.